Smiling penis

by Olivier
(Brussels - Belgium)

Hello Coach,

I tried to do your exercise about making your cock smiling. It was cool and i succeded to have a half erection (not a total one) without touching my cock and without any outside stimulation. Just thinking about it.
But after that i had a lot of precum runing. That was fun. Do you think i can suceed to have a full erection ?

I’m 55 years old

Have a good day


Yes Oli I definitely think you could. If you try too much and overthink it all - then that is when it may not happen, so just try it now and again and really enjoy the sensations - but don't expect anything. Once you develop that mind/body connection it can happen so much more easily. The only time it wont work is if you become frustrated.
This effect can be enhanced with mindfulness!

Enjoy and let me know how you get on!

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May 19, 2019
Increase size?
by: Anonymous

You've been doing penis erection exercises for years right? Does it increase your penis size? How big are you when erect?

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